CD45-gating (fwd)

Susan Atwater (atwater@pangloss.ucsf.EDU)
Thu, 25 May 1995 09:07:44 -0700 (PDT)

Marc Langweiler wrote:
>Assume that for immunophenotyping
>1) you use CD45 as a third color,
>2) you gate on CD45 vs SS, and
>3) you report results on the other two markers based on discrete CD45 vs SS
>Regarding the reporting of numerical values for CD45:
>1) isn't it nonsensical to report a value for CD45 when it itself is a bitmap

Makes sense to me.

>2) doesn't it stand to reason that if you draw a bitmap around a discrete CD45
>population, that by definition that population is 100% "positive", and should
>be reported as such?

I see your points. We don't do CD45 gating currently, but if we were,
I'd probably do something like: describe the findings on the CD45/SSC
plot, say what I set my gate around, and then report findings for
all other markers. For example, something like this:

"The CD45/SSC plot shows a low-SSC population with weak CD45 expression.
An analysis gate on these cells shows the following:" blah blah blah.
It would be pointless to go on and give a numeric percent-positive result
for CD45, since you've already reported on the CD45 staining
characteristics in the first sentence. This way also, you can give
information about CD45 staining intensity, which'd be useful for
subsequent flow studies looking for recurrent disease.

Susan Atwater, MD
UC San Francisco

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