Re: Isotype Controls

Scott I. Simon (
Wed, 27 Mar 1996 10:43:57 -0600 (CST)

Dear isotypers;
The ideal control to determine the minimum fluorescence which determines
that an antibodie is binding specifically to its antigen is to use the
antibody in its unlabeled form as a block. We determine nonspecific
binding as the amount of fluorescence of the direclty conjugated mAb when
applied to cells preblocked (to equilibrium at say 5-10 times the Kd)
with an 'excess' of unconjugated mAb. Then you know all the
characteristics of the mAb in terms of F/P isotype etc are the same, with
one exception it is excluded from its antigenic site on the cell. Does
this make sense?
Scott Simon.

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