RE: cd4 cd8 coexpression

From: Jose Diaz Romero (
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 15:46:47 EST

We have recently published an article which appears to be of relevance to this recurrent

J Immunol Methods 2001 Aug 1;254(1-2):1-12.
Coexpression of CD4 and CD8alpha on rat T-cells in whole blood: a sensitive marker
for monitoring T-cell immunosuppressive drugs.
Diaz-Romero J, Vogt G, Weckbecker G. Department of Transplantation, Preclinical Research,
Building 386/628, Novartis Pharma AG, Lichstrasse 35, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland.
The aim of this study was to develop a new quantitative method for measuring in
vitro the effects of T-cell immunosuppressive drugs by flow cytometry. Rat whole
blood samples were stimulated with the T-cell mitogen succinylated concanavalin A in
the presence or absence of different drugs. After 3 days, the expression of CD25 and
CD8alpha in mitogen-stimulated CD4(+) cells increased 10- to 20-fold as measured by flow
cytometry. Drug efficacy and potency was calculated based on dose-response curves of the
drug-mediated decrease in CD4(+)/CD8alpha(+)/CD25(+) cells. The expression of CD8alpha
in mitogen-stimulated CD4(+) cells was blocked completely by calcineurin inhibitors
(cyclosporine A and FK-506), and partially by rapamycin and SDZ-RAD. The IC(50)
(50% inhibitory concentration) values obtained were (mean+/-S.E.): 99.5+/-16.6 nM for
cyclosporine A, 10.4+/-1.3 nM for FK-506, 1.8+/-0.7 nM for rapamycin, and 6.4+/-1.1 nM
for SDZ-RAD. Our results show, for the first time, that CD8alpha, used as an activation
antigen, is a sensitive marker for monitoring T-cell immunosuppression.


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