Establishment of Mirror Sites

Cutting down on Transfer Times

  • Internet Operation
  • CytoRelay
  • - The utilization of the www-net by many users, causes sometimes considerable waiting times for screen build up. Besides the Off-Line Internet proposal and the CD-ROM project another possibility for downcutting on waitings times is the installation of mirror sites. This is especially useful for transoceanic communication.

    - The establishment of mirror sites for the Purdue University, ISAC, Scripps and JCSMR homepages and for the Purdue E-mail box and archive is a first step in this direction. The present installation is only a partial mirror since e.g. all images and also the E-mail messages are still located at the respectives sites.

    - To take advantage of the mirror, it is highly recommended to inactivate the Autoload Image option of the network browsers (Option menu) prior to mirror site access.

    - Plans for the installation of mutual total mirrors of the Martinsried and Purdue cytometry pages at both sites are presently under way.

    - The ISAC www-mirror is now a full mirror including all www-pages and their images.

    For problems or comments, please contact:
    G.Valet E-mail:, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany, INTERNET address:
    Last Update: Nov.11, 1996