Do I NEED a PowerMac? Thanks

Claude Cantin (
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 17:09:57 -0400

Thanks to all who responded to my query, I appreciate it. In case you're
interested, answers ran 9 to 1 in favor of the upgrade despite the cost.
It's just that much better than the HP 340's.

Thanks again, Claude

>>Hi all,
>>We are looking over a proposal for the purchase of a "active seventh
>>detector upgrade" and "TurboSORT" options for a dual laser, 3 beam (UV, 488
>>and 647) FACStar Plus, with autoclone unit. The proposal includes an
>>upgrade of the HP computer to a PowerMac. First question, does one really
>>need the PowerMac: is there a real/significant advantage over HP / LYSYS
>>combo? ....