Re: Attention dye laser jockeys
Mon, 25 Aug 1997 18:20:11 +1000

Joseph Webster said:

> I wish to share hints, tips & ideas with other dye laser users,
> especially with BD sorters.
> I have a FACStar Plus and a Coherent 599 dye laser, and I'm feeling
> a bit isolated....

We also still run dye lasers on our FACS II and FACStar+ but it seems
they may be going out of fashion elsewhere (and high powered HeNe's
are coming in). We don't feel so much "isolated" as vulnerable.
Spare parts support for our models is either waning or has ceased.
Therefore, if anyone is getting rid of their dye laser systems, we
hereby express interest in any suitable parts, or in fact entire and
intact systems for replacement of:

Coherent CR599 dye laser/ 5920 dye recirculator (1991)
Spectra Physics 375 dye laser/ 376 dye recirculator (1978)

Yes, 1978 and it's still going strong! On the 375, we're most worried
about the pump (really the only moving part), the dye jet and its
plastic seals, and the optics (how many more cleanings can they
stand?). On the CR599, we recently had a bit of trouble getting a
replacement plastic manifold for inside the recirculator.

\ / < The Flow Systems Laboratory
Frank Battye, \__/ <<<<< The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
Dora Kaminaris,----------!!<<<<<<<< Victoria 3050, AUSTRALIA
Viki Lapatis and /!!\ <<<<< ph: 61_3_9345 2540 fax: 61_3_9347 0852
Jennie Parker o !! \ < in:: ""