Re: Misc events when stream illumination ON

Ray Hicks (
Sat, 23 Aug 1997 12:49:09 +0100

Hi Dorothea,

you don't say what make or model you're sorting with, or what you are
triggering on, but presumably its FSC, if so you could check that you've
got an interference filter suited to your laser line in front of the
detector (and a neutral density filter could be good), if these don't
diminish the amount of extraneous light from the stream illuminator, try
changing the angle of illumination (are the lamp housings loose/rotated?),
or shrinking the iris in front of the detector, if that doesn't work, then
are the spurious events synchronised with the drop drive? If so realign the
stream and check the obscuration bar postition then go back and try again,
because it suggests that the illuminating light is somehow reaching the
detector. Otherwise it might be worth looking for a source of electrical
noise, try replacing the bulbs and checking the integrity of electrical
connections, try wiping the connectors with an electronic lubricant if they
look dirty.

If all that fails try to remove them using the trigger threshold, and then
ring the manufacturer.


At 1:07 pm -0400 22/8/97, Litron@AOL.COM wrote:
>I have been having a problem lately with miscellaneous events on the
>oscilloscope when I am running a sample and the stream illumination is ON.
> If I turn the illumination OFF, they disappear. Has anybody else had this
>problem and if so, what can be done about it?
>Dorothea Torous

Ray Hicks
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