CDC conference

Alberto Cambrosio (CYCO@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA)
Fri, 11 Aug 1995 13:26:54 EDT


I accidentally deleted the message with the program of the
CDC conference. Would someone be so kind as to repost it or
to e-mail it directly to me? Sorry for disturbing the whole
list because of a deleting blunder...

Alberto Cambrosio

* Alberto CAMBROSIO | Tel.: (514) 398-4981 *
* Social Studies of Medicine | FAX: (514) 398-1498 *
* McGill University | E-mail: CYCO@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA *
* 3655 Drummond St. | *
* Montreal (Quebec) | *
* Canada H3G 1Y6 | *