Reasons for EFCS Foundation


Nov.19, 1996

1. Actual Organization of Cytometry in Europe

Flow cytometry in Europe is preferentially organized in national societies since the late eighthies. In addition, interest groups within scientific societies e.g. cytometry group in RMS (UK) and task oriented European Working Groups emerge e.g. for Clinical Cell Analysis. The working groups constitute themselves outside scientific societies to achieve intersociety consensus e.g. for clinical purposes.

Biomedical image cytometry is organized in national, European or international societies but also in interest groups.

The various organizational forms actively promote the development of cytometry in Europe at the scientific and educational level. There exists, however, no general forum for joint scientific presentation, information exchange and discussion of the numerous efforts in clinical and basic research cytometry in the different European countries. This is not optimal since one of the essential features for the efficient development of cytometry has always been the multidisciplinary contact at international meetings. This is especially true for the European environment e.g. with its urgent need for the harmonization of clinical cytometry.

2. Organizational Deficit at the European Level

Besides the insuffiencies for the individual scientist, additional deficits concern the development of the entire cytometric discipline in Europe. Some of these points are:

3. EFCS Foundation

The integration of the various European countries within the EU, in addition to the various points indicated above, define a clear role for a European Federation of Cytometric Societies (EFCS). EFCS would neither duplicate the goals of the national cytometric societies and the tasks of the European working groups nor compete with the International Society for Analytical Cytology (ISAC) for a globally representative membership. The foundation of EFCS would substantially strengthen the discipline oriented international network of cytometry related organisations.

- Links amongst the different societies will be:

4. Name of the Federation

The name of the proposed federation could be: European Federation of Cytometric Societies (EFCS) or more intuitively: Federation of European Cytometric Societies (FECS). FECS is, however, the abbreviated form of two already existing European scientific federations (see below) and seems therefore unsuitable. The EFCS abbreviation is so far unique at least with respect to scientific societies (checkable by AltaVista search)

5. Other Federations of Scientific Societies

The structured organisation of independent European, US or world wide scientific societies in form of Federations or Unions is a well known practice in various research areas(e.g. FECS, FECS, FEBS, EBSA, EFMC, FACSS, FASEB, IFCC, IUBMB, UICC)

For problems or comments, please contact:
G.Valet E-mail: , Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany, Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563, INTERNET address:
Last Update: Nov.22, 1996