CCC CoverCommunications in
Clinical Cytometry

The Joint ISAC-CCS Search Committee is soliciting nominations for the position of Editor of Communications in Clinical Cytometry to succeed Drs. Mariano La Via and John Parker, the Founding Editors of CCC, who are stepping down at the end of 1997. The Search Committee welcomes both personal expressions of interest and the names of potential candidates.

Candidates are asked to submit a letter of interest, indicating their qualifications and their plans for CCC, together with their Curriculum Vita. These must be received before 31 July 1997, and should be addressed to:

Brian H. Mayall, M.D., Chair, CCC Search Committee University of California, San Francisco, Box 0808 San Francisco, CA 94143-0808 Tel (415) 476-9122, Fax (415) 476-5106, e-mail:

ISAC council, acting on the recommendations of the Joint ISAC-CCS Search Committee, will early in September 1997 appoint the new Editor for CCC for a five year term, effective January 1998 and renewable by mutual consent of the Editor, ISAC and CCS.

Under the leadership of Mariano and John, CCC is established as an important publication addressing the issues associated with the clinical applications of cytometry. CCC publishes authoritative, peer reviewed articles relevant to the daily practice of clinical cytometry. Its aim is to communicate information on topics of importance to those in the clinical laboratory, including laboratory directors, supervisor and technologists, and clinical immunologists, pathologists, oncologists and hematologists. Within the scope of the application of flow and image cytometry in a clinical setting, Communications in Clinical Cytometry focuses on the following key areas: * clinical cytometry and HIV disease * clinical cytometry and non-HIV diseases of the immune system * clinical cytometry and hematology * clinical cytometry and oncology, with particular reference to leukemias and lymphomas * DNA/cell cycle analysis of neoplasms * monitoring of organ transplant recipients * regulatory and safety issues * advances in instrumentation, methods, reagents and software as they relate to clinical cytometry."

CCC is published by Wiley-Liss as a distinct section of Cytometry, the Journal of the International Society of Analytical Cytology. It is an Official Publication of CCS and of ISAC, and is published bimonthly under the joint auspices of the two societies. CCC has a healthy subscriber base from institutional libraries worldwide and from members of ISAC and CCS.

The Editor of CCC is responsible for the editorial content of CCC, and is expected to adhere to the highest scientific and clinical standards. The Editor sets editorial policy and procedures for CCC, and, with assistance from reviewers, decides which manuscripts are acceptable for publication in CCC. The Editor is expected to select an Editorial Board for advice and assistance in the solicitation and review of manuscripts; this board should be representative of the clinical, scientific and geographical diversity of both ISAC and CCC. The Editor of CCC is responsible for ensuring timely review of manuscripts and for tracking them through the review and publication cycle either through a separate editorial office or in conjunction with the main Cytometry editorial office. The Editor of CCC is expected to submit a report annually to the Scientific Communications Committees of both ISAC and CCS.

The Search Committee thanks you for your interest in the future of CCC and we look forward to hearing from you.

Brian Mayall, Chair Scott Cram, Joe Gray, Paul Hurtubise, Vince Shankey, Carleton Stewart, Jim Watson

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