Reprints and TechNotes Listing - June 11, 1997

"Knowledge is the only thing you can give away and still keep." Scott Hutchison
(Rebuttal: "Whoever said that never heard of infectious diseases." J. Hoch)

Reprints (published papers)
(Note: Newest titles are italicized.)

03 estapor- Microspheres booklet (from Prolabo and Rhône-Poulenc): 1995 revised manual: New material on fluorescents, new encapsulated and narrow magnetics, nanoparticles (<50 nm), NIST-traceable standards; many handling tips; 18 pp, >60 refs.
06 Uniform Latex Particles, Leigh B. Bangs, Amer. Clin. Prod.Rev., 7,#1, 22-26 (1988). Good background piece: what are latex particles (microspheres), how are they made, surface chemistry, characterization, size determination, list of latex agglutination tests.
09 Latex Immunoassays, Leigh B. Bangs, J. Clin. Immunoassay,13, #3 , 127-131 (Fall, 1990). Describes LAT's, nephelometric immunoassays, particle capture assays, and others.
11 Rapid Diagnostic Tests Employing Latex Particles, James Carney, Analytical Proceedings, 27, 99-100 (April, 1990). Answers the question, "Why make latex agglutination tests?" Reasons for fast, point-of-care tests; how latex tests can do this.
50 Microspheres, part 1: Selection, cleaning, and characterization, and part 2: Ligand attachment and test formulation, Leigh B. Bangs & Mary Meza, IVD Technology (in Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry), 17, #3, 18-26, March, and #4, 20-26, April, 1995. Good general description of how to work with microspheres: test component selection, cleaning, characterization, adsorption, covalent attachment, coating optimization, final formulation, filter interaction, and strip test assembly.
53 Straight A's mRNA Isolation System: Rapid, High-QualityPoly(A)+ RNA from Diverse Sources, M. McCormick, B. Hammer, inNOVAtions,#2, 11/94 Novagen, Inc., Madison, WI
54 New Developments in Particle-Based Immunoassays:Introduction, L.B. Bangs, Pure & Appl. Chem., 68, #10, 1873-1879 (1996). Review of 40 years of uses of microspheres in diagnostic tests and assays from LATS to biosensors. (invited paper from 6th Int'l Congress on Automation and New Technology in the Clinical Laboratory, Barcelona, November 4, 1995.)
56 Diagnostic Applications of Microspheres, Leigh B. Bangs; Chapter 15 (pp. 687-707) in Liquid- and Surface-Borne Particle Measurement Handbook, ed by J Z Knapp, TA Barber, A Lieberman; Marcel Dekker, NY (1996)

TechNotes from BLI (homegrown)
(Note: Newest titles are at the top of the list and are italicized.)

37 Washing Microspheres- (or "Laundering Latex") All new: processes for different methods used to clean microspheres with advantages/disadvantages of each; plus suppliers of cleaning equipment.

12 Magnetic Microspheres-- Data and handling tips for over 11 different varieties of estapor- superparamagnetic particles (0.7-1.4 µm; COOH and NH2-modified). Plus, newest, customer requested particles: encapsulated (designed for PCR work) and narrow size distribution.
13a Adsorption Protocols-- Adsorbing proteins onto microspheres; use of "surface diluents" (blockers); global recipes and references.
13c Covalent Coupling Protocols-- Chemical linking of proteins to particles; collected recipes and references.
15 Particle Capture ELISA Tests-- Putting microspheres on glass fiber filters.
17 Pre Activated Microspheres-- Protocols for using easy coupling epoxy and S/VBC beads.
19 Fluorescent Dyed Particles-- Includes applications, fluorescence spectra, and available beads.
20 Instability of Particle Suspension during Protein Coating--Several suggestions to avoid problems during coating.
21 Nucleic Acid Applications of Microspheres-- EXPANDED Overview of purification and solid phase separation methods.
22 Carboxylate-Modified Particles-- Description of the three different types we offer- different ways to produce COOH groups on the microsphere surfaces.
25 Particles Used in/on Membranes-- Collection of ideas and protocols for putting dyed particles on membranes so they will move in strip tests.
30 Particles as Adjuvants/ Immunostimulants-- Tips from experienced "Antibody ranchers".
31 Monitoring Particle Aggregates-- Measuring particle size and checking for aggregation
39 TurboTest-- Ideas for using <50 nm particles for turbidity-based or "clear -to-cloudy" tests and assays (clear dilute suspensions become cloudy on agglutination).
40 Review of Commercial Latex Diagnostic Tests (Immunological Applications of Microspheres)- Describes many applications of particles in diagnostics. (L.B. Bangs 1st lecture at The Latex Course 12/94)
41 Design Possibilities for Rapid Latex Diagnostic Tests (Manipulating Microspheres for Money)- Working with microspheres: cleaning, coating, etc. (L.B. Bangs 2nd lecture at The Latex Course 12/94)
43 Uniform Silica Microspheres-- For many applications: immunoassays, nucleic acid capture, velocimetry (LDV, PIV) spacers for flat panel displays, others. Tips for drying and resuspension.
45 Absorbance Maximum and Optical Density of Dyed Microspheres Spectrophotometric method described for comparison of dyed microspheres.
46 NIST-Traceable Calibration Standards-- Data for 9 sizes (0.2 - 20 µm), available singly or in kits, with certificates of analysis.
49 Useful Equations-- For calculating particles/ml,surface area/g, "parking area," settling velocity @ 1G and in centrifuge, etc.
51 ProActive ® Protein-Coated Microspheres--Brief overview of our newest products and their applications; list of coated microspheres du jour.
52 Developing Real-World Tests and Assays Using Microspheres--AACC '95 Workshop Notes, new uses and handling tips; copies of slides.
55 ProActive® Streptavidin-Coated Microspheres-Protocols for biotinylation of ligands and attachment to streptavidin-coated microspheres.
57 Confocal Microscopy Standards-Advice on the use of our three new, bright single label 63nm fluorescent microspheres in confocal microscopy.
58 ProActive® Protein A Coated Microspheres- Details about beads, suggested uses and handling tips.

Free Customized Literature Search!

What information do you need? We'll share our library. Now >650 papers about microspheres, cross referenced, so we can search for types of particles, coupling methods, uses, author, etc. No cost to you. New papers are added as we get them. We'll even send you a small reward for sending us copies of good new papers which we should have. Send us papers which describe uses of microspheres and those which describe interesting microsphere handling techniques.

Last Update June 11, 1997

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