RE: LDL Endocytosis
Fri, 6 May 1994 18:09:54 -0400 (EDT)

We are currently using BoDIPY-LDL at a concentration of 10ug/ml
as a receptor mediated endocytic probe using a flow
cytometer. It works well although it is expensive compared to other
endocytic probes we use. To our knowledge no other source
exists. We have considered making it ourselves but given its short shelf
life we are considering other receptor mediated probes instead.
Currently, we make fluorescent dextrans and fluorescent transferrin in
house for fluid phase endocytosis and recycling, respectively.
Molecular Probes has a lot of information
on the BoDIPY-LDL in their catalog. I recommend looking it over.
In short, Bodipy is pH insensitive and better excited with an argon
laser than DiI and has emission similar to FITC. If I can be of further
help let me know.


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