Table 58.3. Antineoplastic Drug Typical Dosages, Routes, and Precautions

Copyright, Purdue Research Foundation, 1996

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Table 58.3. Antineoplastic Drug Typical Dosages, Routes, and Precautions

Name          Concentrati Standard Dosage   Usual Route    Comments             
              on                            of                                  

Asparaginase     2,000    400 units/kg,     SQ             May cause            
  ElsparR      units/ml   not to exceed                    hypersensitivity,    
MSD                       10,000 units                     coagulation          
                                                           deficit, or          

Bleomycin     3 units/ml  10 units/m2       SQ             Caution if renal or  
Sulfate                                                    pulmonary disease    

Carboplatin    10 mg/ml   300 mg/m2         IV             Caution if renal     
 ParaplatinR                                               disease              
Bristol                                                    May cause bone       
                                                           marrow toxicity      

Carmustine     3.3 mg/ml  50 mg/m2          IV             Delayed              
   BiCNUR                                                  myelosuppression     
Bristol                                                    Biochemical          

Cisplatin       1 mg/ml   60 mg/m2          IV             Caution in cats      
  PlatinolR                                                Dose related         
Bristol                                                    nephrotoxicity       
                                                           Maintain high urine  

Cyclophospham   tablets   50 mg/m2 PO x 4   PO             Sterile hemorrhagic  
ide             inj 20    days/week         IV             cystitis             
 CytoxanR        mg/ml    250 mg/m2 IV q1w                 Bone marrow          
Mead-Johnson                                               suppression          

Cytarabine     20 mg/ml   100 mg/m2 q3w     IV             Bone marrow          
  CytosarR     50 mg/ml                     SQ             suppression          
Upjohn                                                     Avoid rapid IV       

Dacarbazine    10 mg/ml   1,000 mg/m2 q3w   IV             Bone marrow          
  DTICR                   200 mg/m2 5 days                 suppression          
Miles                     q3w                              Nausea and vomiting  
                                                           Avoid extravascular  

Dactinomycin  0.45 mg/ml  0.6 mg/m2         IV             Avoid extravascular  
  CosmegenR                                                injection            
MSD                                                        Bone marrow          

Doxorubicin     2 mg/ml   30 mg/m2 (dogs)   IV             Avoid extravascular  
HCL                       20 mg/m2 (cats)                  injection            
AdriamycinR                                                Cumulative           
Adria Labs                                                 myocardial toxicity  

Fluorouracil   50 mg/ml   200 mg/m2         IV             Extreme caution in   
  5FUR                                                     cats                 
Burroughs-                                                 Bone marrow          
  Wellcome                                                 suppression          
                                                           GI toxicity          

Vinblastine     1 mg/ml   2 mg/m2           IV             Avoid extravascular  
  VelbanR                                                  injection            
Lilly                                                      Leukopenia           

Vincristine     1 mg/ml   0.5 mg/m2         IV             Avoid extravascular  
sulfate                                                    injection            
  OncovinR                                                 Neurotoxicity        
Lilly                                                      Constipation         

Modified and extended from Bonney and Knapp 1994

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Gordon L. Coppoc, DVM, PhD
Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology
Head, Department of Basic Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1246
Tel: 317-494-8633Fax: 317-494-0781

Last modified 11:30 PM on 2/20/96 GLC