1. Canine chondrocytes (first passage) grown in monolayer on 8-well lab-Tek cover slips, approximately 90% confluent 2. Canine chondrocytes stained with propidium iodide and viewed in situ at low power, note the uniformity of the cells 3. Basal respiration of canine chondrocytes grown in monolayer on 8-well Lab-Tek plates, approximately 90% confluent 4. Canine chondrocytes viewed in situ, note the well defined lacunae and isogenous groups Source of data and images: Dr. James Whitfield, Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories, Hansen Hall, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Ph: (317) 494 0757 Fax (317) 494 0517 email: jim@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu