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Confocal Microscopy Instrumentation

NOTE: This area still under construction

Bio-Rad MRC 1024 UV/Vis System

The MRC 1024 installed in the lab consists of the following components:



MRC-1024 Options:

Bio-Rad DVC 250 Viewscan

The DVC 250 installed in the lab consists of the following components:



  • Nikon Diaphot 200 (Inverted) with computerized Z-Motor model #31002 plus controller
  • Nikon Labophot (Upright) with computerized Z-Motor model #31002 plus controller


  • Monochrome: Photonic Sciences "Darkstar"
  • Color: Optronics 470T


  • Compaq Prosignia 500 with 80 Meg ram, 21" Monitor

    Image Analysis Software:

  • Metamorph/Metafluor, Universal Imaging Corp.

    Video Monitor:

  • Sony HR Trinitron

    Filter Wheel:

  • Lambda 10-2, Suter Instrument Company

    Video Laserdisc:

  • Panasonic TQ-3031F Laser video disc

    Physiology Components:

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    For information contact J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D., Director PUCL, 1515 Hansen B050, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1515, U.S.A. Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517. Send an email message now to J.Paul Robinson: