Confocal Microscopy Methods and Protocols
Editor: Stephen W. Paddock

© Humana Press 1998
Hardcover, 464 pgs.
Illustrated, some in color

Short Summary

Stephen Paddock and a highly skilled panel of experts lead the researcher using confocal techniques from the bench-top, through the imaging process, to the journal page. They concisely describe all the key stages of confocal imaging-from tissue sampling methods, through the staining process, to the manipulation, presentation, and publication of the realized image. Written in a user-friendly, non-technical style, the methods specifically cover most of the commonly used model organisms: worms, sea urchins, flies, plants, yeast, frogs, and zebrafish. The powerful hands-on methods collected here will help even the novice to produce first-class cover-quality confocal images.
